加拿大28全部开奖 Campus Police


学生可以携带汽车进入校园,但车辆必须在加拿大28全部开奖网站上注册. After registering, 学生负责到位于肯纳楼的学生事务处领取车辆登记牌.

贴花要贴在注册车辆的右后窗上. 在指定区域以外的任何区域停车的学生将被发出传票. 学生的许可证在本学年结束或学生不再在加拿大28全部开奖注册时到期.

Parking lots are provided for students. 如果在罚单发出之日起10天内未缴纳罚款,违章罚款将加倍.


Each motorist is encouraged to practice caution, common sense, and courtesy. In most cases, 交通违规行为将被写在加拿大28全部开奖的校园传票上,但官员可以向派克县司法法院发出传票, which will require the driver to appear in court if the fine is not paid.


Parking Restrictions/Zones:

ALL 加拿大28全部开奖 students, faculty, 职员须以下列其中一份表格为车辆登记:



Faculty-Staff Parking Permit – all 加拿大28全部开奖 employees

*如果学生决定在学年期间将其身份从通勤者更改为居民或反之亦然, 他们有责任通知校园警察发放新的窗户贴纸.


Vehicle Registration:

Residence Hall students must be parked at their assigned residence halls. 宿舍楼学生不得开车去上课、自助餐厅、练习或任何其他校园活动. 宿舍会议在整个学年进行,在此期间将解释停车区域.

Commuter students must park in the WHITE spaces ONLY.

YELLOW spaces are for faculty, staff, and visitors ONLY.

Pay attention to parking spaces with special signs, for example: DISABLED, CAMPUS POLICE and HEAD RESIDENCE HALL. 除残障车位外,学生不得在这些车位停车.


The driver of a motor vehicle is responsible for that motor vehicle, 但无论如何,该车的注册学生都可以收到加拿大28全部开奖的传票.



校园内所有车辆必须安装消声器,以防止噪音干扰. Special attachments to increase noise are NOT allowed.

松树厅前的车道是单向车道,仅用于装卸货物. Vehicles MAY NOT park in this driveway.

While parking on campus, 司机不应倒进停车位或将车辆停放在与其他车辆冲突的位置.

任何有关传票的上诉或疑问,必须向巡警主管(警长)提出。, Assistant Chief, 或警务处处长亲临,并在发出日期后的合理时间内递交.

The maximum speed limit on campus is 20 miles per hour. 请保持谨慎和常识,并注意校园周围的行人. 在人行横道前停车,在减速带前减速,并始终遵守交通标志.

Administrators, faculty, 工作人员可能会举报违反交通规则的学生的车辆牌照.




司法部长林恩·费奇希望你采取措施保护你和你所爱的人免受芬太尼的伤害: One Pill Can Kill!


About 加拿大28全部开奖 Campus Police Department:

根据《加拿大28全部开奖》第37篇第29章第275节,加拿大28全部开奖雇用持证执法人员. 该法律授权加拿大28全部开奖警察在校园和加拿大28全部开奖财产500英尺范围内拥有完全的执法权力. 加拿大28开奖结果查询敦促所有学生、员工和访客尊重这些官员的全部权力.

A Message from the Chief:

Hello and welcome to our campus. 加拿大28全部开奖警察局是一个专业团队,致力于提供一个安全可靠的环境,使学院的教育使命能够充分实现. 加拿大28开奖结果查询的官员和员工以服务为导向,致力于与加拿大28全部开奖相关的安全和福祉.

We provide crime prevention and control, criminal investigation, traffic and parking supervision, disaster coordination, maintenance of public order, and other related law enforcement services.

加拿大28开奖结果查询与学生事务办公室的副校长密切合作,以确保加拿大28全部开奖的政策和程序, as well as state and local laws, 是否统一执行并以清晰一致的方式传达给加拿大28开奖结果查询的学生, faculty and staff.

加拿大28全部开奖警察局的主要任务和责任是提供可见的, professional, and courteous service for all students, employees, and visitors while on our campus. 加拿大28开奖结果查询将执行加拿大28全部开奖的政策,程序和法规,以及所有州和地方法律.

警官们一直与中央调度中心以及周围所有执法机构保持无线电联系. 加拿大28开奖结果查询的办公室位于学院大道(湖的南边)的布伦菲尔德大楼的北侧,工作人员24小时值班, 7 days a week, including holidays.


Chief David L. Adams


601-551-3837 (cell)

601-276-2007 (office)


Roll Call/Contact Information:

In Case of Emergencies -- Dial 911

Campus Police -- 601-551-3838 (ON-DUTY officer) -- 601-276-3838 (Office)

Chief David L. Adams | dadams@eatingfish.net 601-551-3837 (cell) 601-276-2007 (office)

Assistant Chief Twandy Newson-Fields | tfields@eatingfish.net

Sergeant Brad Dunaway | bdunaway@eatingfish.net

Campus Police Email | campuspolice@eatingfish.net



  1. Always lock your vehicle
  2. Never leave valuable items in your vehicle
  3. We will jump-start vehicles BUT we do not unlock vehicles
  4. Keep a record of the make, model, and serial number of all valuables
  5. Never leave personal belongings unattended
  6. Report missing items as soon as possible
  7. Have keys in hand when walking to your vehicle in the parking lot
  8. Don’t look like an “easy target”
  9. Report any domestic violence or harassment to Campus Police
  10. Report suspicious activity or persons to Campus Police
  11. Call Campus Police in the event of a motor vehicle accident
  12. Contact Campus Police if you have security-related questions

We are here to help and assist. 

You can report anonymously through Silent Witness